Introducing Infura Stats

Today we are announcing the launch of the Stats section of the Infura Dashboard. Developers using dashboard generated Project IDs with their API requests will now have visibility into exactly how their application is using Infura. This includes their most common methods, request volume, and bandwidth usage.

If you’re not seeing any data in your Stats page, make sure to update your application to use the Project IDs generated in the Infura dashboard when sending API requests.

Updated Documentation

With the release of the Stats section of the Dashboard, we have updated our documentation to outline how to use the Dashboard generated Project IDs when sending API requests to Infura. Click here to see the updated docs now,

Transition to the Infura Dashboard

Two months ago, we announced our soft-launch of the Infura Dashboard with the stated intent of laying the ground work to deliver additional services to developers using Infura going forward . The Infura Dashboard is an exciting milestone in the maturation of our service, and is our response to developer demand for a better understanding of how to improve their dApps.

The Infura Dashboard allows developers to create their Infura user account at and generate Project IDs and Project Secrets. This blog post outlines the simple process to do this.
To ensure that our service reliability and performance is consistent for all users, we ask that existing users transition their applications to use Project IDs generated in the Infura Dashboard when sending API requests. Please see the updated documentation for questions on how to update your requests. We have taken great care to ensure that a transition to the new authentication format will give developers time to update their applications.

Transition Timeline

Jan 23, 2019–20:00 UTC

Requests using Dashboard generated Project IDs will be prioritized over legacy keys during periods of high traffic activity. Legacy keys may experience slower response times.

Mar 27, 2019–20:00 UTC

Support will officially stop for all requests not sent using an Infura Dashboard generated Project IDs.
Here are a few of the future benefits the Infura Dashboard and new authentication will provide.

  • Increase to the overall health and performance of Infura by adding protection from bad actors and attacks
  • The all new Stats page, showing your application’s Ethereum node usage, with more advanced analytics to come!
  • Opt-in early access to new Infura features such as GraphQL APIs for Ethereum and Gas and Network Health data
  • Monitoring and alerting to help you better manage your application

We have already begun working with partners over the last few months to test the Dashboard and new Project IDs and will be actively working with the community going forward. If you maintain a library that leverages Infura, please reach out directly to us if there is anything we can do to help you with this transition.
 This blog post is the first of many communications we will make to help prepare our developer community for these changes. We thank you for using our service, we remain committed to the Ethereum developer community and continuing to improve our ability to support this ecosystem.


Q: Does this impact the Infura IPFS service?
 A: The Infura IPFS service will incorporate a similar API authentication structure in future updates. We will notify the community as soon as we have more information. At this time, there will be no changes to the IPFS API endpoint functionality.
 Q: What is the Project Secret? How do I use it?
 A: The Project Secret provides another layer of security when sending API requests to Infura. It should only be used when sending requests from a private backend system or server as the Project Secret should never be human readable in your client facing application. There is currently no requirement to use the Project Secret. We will provide more information in future updates and release new documentation to show exactly how the Project Secret can be used when sending requests.
 Q: Is Infura still free to use or will I have to pay now?
 A: Infura is still free for all developers to sign-up and use.